Every girl needs pink shoes

By February 12, 2019January 31st, 2021Uncategorized

As much as I love my son and buying boy’s clothes and shoes I couldn’t wait to buy some pink shoes for my daughter! She loves her new shoes and is getting so confident with walking and takes to her feet far more than her knees now!

I always thought Joshua was such a climber but Anabelle is overtaking him in the climbing stakes! She has no fear and constantly climbs where she shouldn’t be. I’m forever telling Joshua to stop dragging her off the sofa – even though he says he’s pulling her down for own good ??‍♀️

Lucinda Hall

Author Lucinda Hall

I am Lucinda and I live in Hertfordshire with my husband and our son Joshua Benjamin. I lost four babies due to miscarriage prior to having my son.

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